Thursday 24 December 2015

Self-Revealing and Self-Deceiving.

"Writing can be self-revealing as it can be self-deceiving." - Luckhurst and Singleton (2000)

Self-revealing.  The one thing I like about writing is that we have the chance to write things that we are unable to say in real life rather than things that we could say. Writing unleashes your inner thoughts. your deepest darkest secrets. Your most cherished feelings. Even your random thoughts. These are some of mine:

This is a collection of my random thoughts. Ones that do not require answers. These are random things that pop into my head and only that. Thoughts.

1. What if we see colours differently. My blue is your red, and your red is someone else's green, or their green is my gold.

2. If I was a cat, I'd be a professional one.

3. The sound that marbles make when they collide is the best sound in existence.

4. If I could choose how I die, I wouldn't want to be drowned or burned.

5. The octopus is the coolest sea creature ever.

6. What if the tissue company deliberately put allergens in their tissues so when we use them, we'd sneeze more and therefore need more tissues.

Self-Deceiving. My own translation. Other people might see it differently. Facebook post: "Feeling rather cheerful today. #goodvibes". Whoever posted this, are they really feeling cheerful? Lets say if I'm the one who posted this, when in reality I'm feeling down in the dumps. Just had a breakup with my bae. Just had a fight with my parents. Just got scratched in the face by my lovable cat. "Stressful day.. But lets let everyone know I'm happy anyway". Self-deceiving. Sometimes, we are not being truthful in what we write. We do it for other reasons. We do it to attract people.We do it because that's what others want to hear so we give it to them. Some even force themselves to twist the truth: "I met a boy and now we're living together. Romance all day everyday! Smiley face." In reality: "I met a boy and now we're living together. I go to work, he plays video games all day everyday! Sad face." Self-deceiving.

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